About me
I am an assistant professor of finance at Utrecht University School of Economics.
I got my PHD from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and Swiss Finance Institute.
My research is on how beliefs and optimal behavior in financial markets are affected by information frictions, both theoretically and empirically. Return predictability driven by technological developments, shifts in trade-offs in regulatory interventions introduced by asymmetric information, and incentives for communication. All topics are related by the theme of learning under various forms of uncertainty.
E-mail: m.b.b.nielsen@uu.nl

- Social Media and Equilibrium Sentiment. (2023). Working paper. [SSRN]
- Asset pricing with complexity. (2022). Working paper. [SSRN]
- Local news and social assets. (2022). Working paper. With Ahmed Guecioueur.
- Dividend restrictions and asymmetric information. (2021). Working paper. With Suzanne Vissers. [SSRN]
- Management Accounting and Corporate Decision Making, USE, 2024
- Principles of Corporate Finance, USE, 2023
- Empirical Economics, USE, 2023
- Financial Analysis – MSc in Finance at UNIL, TA, 2021-2022
- Real Estate Finance and Investment – MSc in Finance at UNIL, TA, 2019-2020
- Data Science for finance – MSc in Finance at UNIL, TA, 2019
- Valuation – MSc in Finance at UNIL, TA, 2019